
This year there will meny events supporting events in Solo Travel Calendar 2016. Some  event calendar events put into it, the Umbrella Festival Solo, Solo Great Sale, World Meditation Gathering, Solo Gerseri, Sendratarasi Ramayana, and Solo Investment, Trade and tourism Expo (Sitex).

Here are events in the city of Solo Travel for 2016:

  1. Prophet Muhammad Maulud Celebration (09 January 2016)
  2. Haul All Bin Habib Muhammad al-Habashi (30 January 2016 - 31 January 31 2016)
  3. Great solo Sale 2016 (1 February 2016 - 29 February 2016)
  4. Grebeg Sudiro 2016 (6 February 2016 - 8 February 2016)
  5. Chinese new year Festival in 2016 (6 February 2016)
  6. Festival Jenang 2016 in Ngarsopuro Solo (14 february 2016 - 17 February 2016)
  7. Solo Carnival 2016 (21 February 2016)
  8. Solo Indonesia Culinary Festival in Vastenburg Fort 2016 (7 April 2016 - 10 April 2016)
  9. 24-hour solo Dancing 2016 (29 April 2016)
  10. Java Expo 2016 in Solo Paragon Mall (4 May 2016 - 8 May 2016)
  11. Festival Parade Hadrah 2016 in Slamet Riyadi Street Solo (6 may 2016)
  12. Lovebird Contest in Balekambang Solo (8 May 2016)
  13. Solo Keroncong Festival in Fort Vastenburg Solo (14 May 2016 - 15 May 2016)
  14. Solo Investment Trade and Tourism Expo 2016 (SITTEX) (26 may 2016 - 29 May 2016)
  15. Solo Car Free Day Anniversary 2016 (29 May 2016)
  16. Gamelan Akbar festival 2016 (4 June 2016)
  17. Waisaka Puja Baya 2016/2560 (4 June 2016)
  18. Toys Toddlers Festival 2016 in Sriwedari Park (10 June 2016 - 12 June 2016)
  19. Malem Selikuran -The Great Mosque (26 June 2016)
  20. Bakdan Ing Balekambang 2016 in Balekambang Solo (6 July 2016 - 10 July 2016)
  21. Syawalan in Jurug Zoo (TSTJ) Solo (6 July 2016 - 10 July 2016)
  22. Bakdan Ing Solo 2016 (8 July 2016 - 10 July 2016)
  23. Grebeg Pasa 2016 in Surakarta Hadiningrat Palace (8 July 2016)
  24. Ketoprak Festival (15 July 2016 - 16 July 2016)
  25. Solo Batik Solo Carnival 2016 (22 July 2016 - 24 July 2016)
  26. Vibrant Culture Indonesia 2016 (29 July 2016 - 30 July 2016)
  27. Apresiasi Music Kebangsaan 2016 (18 August 2016)
  28. The grand finale of Putra & Putri Solo 2016 (3 September 2016)
  29. Solo International Performing Art (SIPA) 2016 (8 September - 10 September 2016)
  30. Grebeg Besar 2016 (13 September 2016)
  31. Indonesia Umbrella Festival 2016 (23 September 2016 - 25 September 2016)
  32. Solo City Jazz 2016 (30 September 2016 - 1 October 2016)
  33. Bamboo Biennale 2016 (1 October 2016 - 22 October 2016)
  34. Kirab malam 1 Suro (2 October 2016)
  35. Srawung Sacred Art International (2 October 2016)
  36. SITTEBIZ 2016. - business opportunities Investment trade and tourism event (6 - 9 October 2016)
  37. Solo Batik Fashion 2016 (7 - 8 October 2016)
  38. The art market Balekambang 2016 (22-26 October 2016)
  39. Indonesia International Mask Festival (IIMF) (28 - 29 October 2016)
  40. Rock In Solo 2016 (13 November 2016)
  41. Frame of Solo 2016 (20 November 2016)
  42. Sekaten 2016 in North Square Hall of Surakarta Palace (5 - 12 December 2016)
  43. Grebeg Mulud 2016 (12 December 2016)
  44. Prophet Muhammad Maulud Celebration (23 December 2016)

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